Algedonic: adverb
pertaining to pain, especially in association with pleasure
Anthropomorphic: adverb
having human characteristics:anthropomorphic bears and monkeys
Balter: adverb
to dance clumsily
Euphony: noun (plural euphonies)
the quality of being pleasing to the ear
Erratum: noun (plural errata)
an error in printing or writing
Exophagy: noun ( adverb exophagous)
The practice amongst cannibals of not eatings members of one's family or tribe.
Famulus- noun
Attendent to Magician, Sorcerer.
Finifugal- adverb
Shunning the end of anything, the end of a good book, good meal etc
Half serious and half in jest
A late night person
Orrery- noun
a clockwork model of the solar system, or of just the sun, earth, and moon.